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Crystal Knobs

Glass and crystal accessories are making a comeback. The antique and regal trends are coming back in fashion. All thanks to their delicate showhouse appeal and intricate design flexibility.

Let’s accept it. Even the littlest of details in glass and crystal can top up a space with a luxurious finesse which cannot be surpassed by any other material. The vignettes and bits of crystal here and there burst open the dreamy style corridor emitting hints of sparkle and spaciousness.

In the same vein, these crystal knobs by Indianshelf bring the vintage style crystal glass knobs featuring a watery appearance.

You will be amazed to know that the term crystal is generally used for the term lead glass, which means that in crystal glass, the element of lead exceeds the composition of potash alum.

This is the main reason behind the dispersed shimmering effect of light that you see in these crystal knobs. This refractive property is also the reason behind their usage in making of statement pieces, light fixtures, lamps, ornaments and chandeliers.

Besides this, the addition of crystal materials to the original silica glass makes it more viscous and tough. It means that they can be easily molded into beautiful patterns and designs while maintaining their clear glassy appearance.

In this cluster of crystal knobs, you will find a vast array of designs. From custard apple multifaceted crystals to the historical octagon drop knobs, plenty of patterns available here. You can also choose from a palette of stylish colours including champagne golden, mint green, peach pink, turquoise blue and more.

The prismatic glass accessories are also great for using as curtain tiebacks. Whether using them as cabinet hardware or decorative accessories, they will offer a jewelled look to your room. Also a terrific idea to use them in your kitchen, especially if you have wooden cabinetware.

Scroll through another similar variety our glass knob collection that is, fine cut glass knobs.