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Glass Bridge Handles


Glass hardware has always been the love of several generations together now and then, especially among designers and home décor artists. From historical mansions of India to the Victorian cabinets and chests, they have evolved and remained evergreen at the same time. Like a pop favourite among this, glass handles too are like cherry toppings on furniture or decoration of any kind. Coming in a huge variety of locksets, these days glass pulls are highly liked by the modern day households and homemakers.

Indianshelf’s collection of glass bridge handles comes with threaded and carved spindles which are usually created with cast metal fillings and polishing. The bolt covers are made of glass along with various other ceramic materials. The shimmer and dazzle effect that appears usually results from the crackled glass bits inside the jellied mass of molded glass, especially at the center of the glass bolts.

You cannot avoid the watery kaleidoscope-like appearance that it offers. The best part, they aren’t just lustrous in appearance but also carry a tough tensile strength and boatloads of hardness.

The molded bolt covers of the handles are available in different shapes. Select your favourite from the vintage style scalloped glass, flimsy melon shaped glass, cute disc shaped glass and other textured pieces.

These glass bridge handles are available both in clear glass and colored glass. Some of these handles have been created with a blend of glass, ceramic materials and silver fillings. Choose from a wide range of shades including cobalt blue, vaseline white, robin egg’s blue, turquoise, baby pink, smoky black, olive green, cherry red, and more.

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