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Glass Diamond Shape Knobs

Diamonds look pretty not just in jewellery but almost anywhere and everywhere. So, whether you are interested in vintage styles home decorations or modern décor settings, diamond shape is one theme which is evergreen.

The different kinds of diamond shapes offer not just a symmetrical, patterned or geometrical feel to any home but also an illusion of spellbinding balm and of a vast infinity which cannot be expressed otherwise.

Added to this, the shine-emitting materials like glass, resin and crystal are much like a bonus. Considering this, this variety of knobs by Indianshelf features exclusive door and cabinet knobs designed by hand in different shapes of diamond.

While some of these knobs contain faceted spheres, some others are shaped in geometrical figures like square, pentagon, hexagon and octagon. Oh, and you might as well be excited to know the fact that this octagonal shape was once the favourite among the rulers and artisans of the Colonial era.

This was perhaps because this kind of multifaceted knobs was one of the earliest glass knob designs invented thereupon.

In those days, these glass knobs were considered to be the strongest and longest lasting as they were equipped with mounting of metal shanks made in either brass or steel.

The crystal-like watery appearance that you might notice in them is the result of their star-burst centres. This centre is responsible for casting stunning patterns and beautiful effects by refracting and distributing the light fallen on it.

Owing to their evergreen appeal, these diamond glass knobs are well suited for using in your kitchen drawers, guest room cabinets, even in coat-racks.

Also, these door knobs and pulls are great if you are interested in adding a regal style or a sprinkle of harlequin textures in your living space.

To begin with, you can choose from a rich palette of shades including queen magenta, blueberry violet, slate blue, olive green, emerald green and many more.

In addition to diamond shape, explore our striking variety of Glass Dotted Knobs.