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Glass Flower Knobs

Glass knobs, while giving a whimsical touch to a space also lend a jewelled feel to it. On top of it, the addition of florals offer the element essential for grounding the setting into an earthy feel. Moving in a similar vein, Indianshelf presents this gorgeous collection of glass flower knobs available in an assortment of colours even more gorgeous.

Glass artistry based on nature and natural objects has been in work since thousands of years ago. From Greece to Rome, from America to India, glassmakers have been crafting fruits, flowers, trees, plants, buds and other natural objects with the help of glass.

Usually, this glassmaking is carried out by a process known as lampworking. In this process, some glass rods or sheets are melted at different temperatures under the heat of a flame. Followed by which, they are bent and molded into various shapes, sizes and cuts. Here at Indianshelf, these glass knobs have been handcrafted in the cuts based on flowers.

Consisting of melons, daisies, tulips, sunflowers and roses, this selection boasts of a crystalline fluid texture which never fails to cast a spell of an appearance which is frozen and melted at the same time.

When looked from far, they will give the sight just like that of real plant models, at least harder to distinguish. The delicate petals; the intricate flower strokes; all have been etched and molded from colour stained glass.

You can select from your favourite hues including champagne violet, bright yellow, ocean blue, clear white, baby pink and many more like these.

The prismatic look of these cut glass orchids will bloom even more when used in places containing windows and ample lighting. Also, they will look great when used as decorative note card holders, photo holders and likewise turned upside down.

Check over our favourite variety of flower glass knobs that is, Daisy knobs.